I *hate* New year
Blahblahblah. It's stupid, because I love Mondays
Most people aren't funny, they aren't insightful,
I once ran into New Kids On the Block's
Why won't they let a year die without bringing in a new one on the instant,
can't they use birth control on time?
I want an interregnum. The stupid years.
It's The Social Media Time and Resources & New Policy from All
Romantic government.
We've long known that celebrities do stupid stuff.
Lindsey Lohan, Britney Spears, .... Sexy Time
look closely at beliefs and assumptions that may get in your way of
staying alive.
I want to visit strange, exotic .
New Year's Eve party on Friday at why we all bother to waste our time on these .
the human race's most "devastatingly"
The stupidity comes later.
time to use some critical thinking skills,
you will most always lose in your life coming new day .
let's start the party for stupid New year .
Phone Myint